Sunday, March 23, 2008

hating my Barbeque

I have in my small backyard a barbeque. It was quite expensive. I bought lots of accessories for it and it looked quite elegant in my lovely courtyard. I hate it. I'm scared to light it (that's if I can....) Have no idea whether the gas will last for the length of the cooking. I hate the cleaning. After two hours of trying to make it clean enough to cook on and using chemicals that I don't want in my food, it is still not clean.
It is a gas Barbeque, so there will be no charcoal to add to the flavour. I am marinating lamb and chicken...but there is no way I'll put it on the disgustible bbq. So what do I need to do?


Anonymous said...

Cooking on your barbecue is the Australian Way. You must get used to it. Besides playing russian roulette with the gas is fun and can determine whether the meat is is rare or medium. Never use chemicals to clean - take 3 minutes to just heat and pour half a glass of water on the plate and clean with a clean rag or good paper towel and throw out (the rag, not the BBQ. If you want charcoal cooking change plates to a grill plate. Ensure to give the plate a decent scrape immediately after cooking.
Anyway what's a girl doing cooking a BBQ? Just wait until a bloke calls around and he will take over!

beachsands said...

Thanks Fritz
Just call me un-Australian!!!
As it happens that is exactly what happened. After only a tiny bit of "I am so helpless with my barbeque", Mitch was volunteered by the other males to perform barbeque duty, which he did superbly. He cleaned it up exactly as recommended by you. It looked perfect. Unfortunately, we used it again. The lamb was great, but the chicken with its weird marinade of piri piri spicing was brilliant. Poor Mitch... he was stuck with the sheilas discussing the delights of childbirth. to his credit he did not give up up on the task in hand. I did keep him well supplied with lots of beers.
Meanwhile the blokes at the front barbie (there were 16 people) only managed to cook a few chicken legs after 3 hours.
And of course the evil barbie still lurks ...just as bad as it was before. It made spluttering noises before I turned it off. does that mean the gas is out?
Mitch was quite patient in explaining how to light the f....., but I still don't get it. My barbeque still scares me!!
PS thanks fritz for replying else does. I haven't entirely given up on the blog. took the kids to a lettuce farm recently..great produce, some of them tasted green things for the first time.
Of course I'm longing to know who fritz is. Certainly a SA person.

Anonymous said...

Oh how I love our barbie.
My husband cooks everything on it. If I even look like going near it he gets all defensive and protective.
Don't be scared. the only way to get to know how to get the best out of your barbie is to use it. Experiment as much as you can.
I agree with Fritz with the cleaning. Hubby does take it to pieces about once a year for a really thorough clean with hot soapy water, but other than that a good wipe should do it.
A great show with some bbq recipes is Licensed to Grill on the lifestyle food channel. If you don't have austar or foxtel beachie, log on to the lifestyle food channel and you can download the recipes from there. The guys name is Robert Rainford.
Don't just use the flat plate. We rarely use ours, you must have the grill plate.
Happy barbecueing. Keep us up to date with how you go. You'll never look back once you get the hang of it. We've even been known to cook steak in the rain just get that bbq flavour.

purple goddess said...


Christina, I SO understand. Hubs (aka Furry) gets all twitchy if I look like going near it.

He has officially declared it and oestrogen-free zone.

Needless to say, the minute he goes away, I delight in sending him camera pics of me using it.

Anonymous said...

Back again and missing your blogs - too much work and not enough play?
Meanwhile thought I would share a recent small experience from the heart of country Scotland in what was described as their smallest country town (1 pub 1 huge church 2 bakeries,2 butcheries and other sundry stuff). A casual enquiry about the fabulous display in one of the butchers ended up behind the counter sampling his wares including his "world famous" haggis which had apparently been the official Scottish contribution at a Nato conference. The shop walls proudly displayed certificates, photos and thank you letters attesting the fact. Must add it was certainly the best we tried and nothing like fritz which is more like airline food! In addition we left with a free jar of his "most popular" relish as a souvenir. By the way the seafood in Scotland is to fly for - you must go!

beachsands said...

Scotland.... haggis.... don't think so...loathe oats. I mean I really hate oats except in anzac biscuits. yep lots of work...not much play. My latest thing is South American food. Made some barbeque food for a thing last week. Really loved it. Took it to the barbie at Lillian Rock beautiful and my friend from Argentina. Blank look when I got her to taste it. Failure at chimichurri.... tasted pretty good tho...