Wednesday, February 13, 2008

A Very Special Day

Still peeling off the red, black and yellow face paint from today's celebrations. Today was so much better than I had hoped for! Kev's speech brought tears to my eyes, hope to my heart and a tingle to my spine. Mungo's mild-mannered god botherer was no where to be seen. Despite majoring in Australian history, I knew nothing about the stolen generation until I was priviledged enough to walk with some female elders at Old Toomelah - they showed me where the mothers hid their children from the gubbas.
Here are a couple of recipes from that time in my life.
Johnny Cakes
and a light hand (not mine unfortunately)
Mix and knead only enough to mix. Throw on a rack above a slow open fire. Rescue, knock off cinders and serve with golden syrup (cockies' joy) and butter if your are lucky enough to have them. It is yummy if you don't burn your mouth with haste caused by greed.

Witchetty grub spring rolls
First find the grubs...can't help here
marinate with a few thai flavourings
Wrap in spring roll wrappers and fry on medium heat.
They are pretty rich. I struggled on about the fifth one, but i'm greedy, so it serves me right.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Darling i wish i had been with you when you were is Tasmania.. Looks FAB...Love you...signed The Dunbible Food Lover